Monday, May 23, 2011

Westest :D

     Westest was very easy, some parts were hard but once you figured out what it was it seemed really easy. I think i succeeded to my level that I wanted to get too. I think I done good with the math and science. I'm not so good with the language and social studies but, I think I still done good on it. Westest is very educational and you can learn alot from it . I look forward to scoring higher next year and maybe getting distinguished.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Our presentations were very scary but, we learned alot that we need to work on. The presentation's were fun and we had the people to help us with what we needed on our game. Our game needed a page that explains intergers. The people on call told us that our game was very good and colorful. They said that they like our designs and topic of math. We look forward to submitting our final game and making it better.

Friday, May 6, 2011

My Game is Done!

All our hard work has really come up to something. Our games are finished or close to finished. At first our games stunk but, now anyone will play and love it. Games are now easy to make. I can't wait until Globaloria next year; I will make the best game ever! Everyone will play it. My game is about Gummiebears and intergers; I now people will love my game this year. I hope they will next year too!